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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  November 15, 2016 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning. ♪ look up at a new day... hey guys! now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. >> that's it for me. here's "mtp daily." >> if it's tuesday, we are tracking the transition with new moves out of trump tower today. why tension is building in the white house transition. new details on who is in and who is out. the democratic congressman who may be looking to shake-up the house. >> we're got our butts kick and need to move forward. >> trump's day one agenda.
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>> you have to bring in the sledge hammer to repeal obamacare. >> what it could mean for you and your family. >> this is mtpdaley and it starts now. i'm peter alexander in washington. welcome to "mtp daily" this has been a day of conflict in the trump transition. reports of a surge in the transition team. we have new controversy throughout a possible cabinet pick as well as some of those picks. all of this as donald trump continues the fallout from his appointment of former news executive steve bannon as the top white house strategist. a top candidate to run the cia in a trump administration has
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left the transition team. a source close to him said he was pushed out as part of a purge of people close to chris christie. ben carson continued a top candidate to run the department of health and human services and take his name out of the running according to a spokesperson. you are not going to believe the reason. we will get to that in a minute. arkansas governor rumored to be a possible pick. he said he does not want that job. other pop names are facing scrutiny for members on both sides of the aisle. two of the big contenders for secretary of state. mayor rudy giuliani and un em bassor. republican senator rand paul said he would not support either because of comments they made about possibly bombing iran. giuliani is also facing new questions about conflibts of interest involving foreign governments. republicans only have a two-seat edge in the senate that will
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have to confirm the picks. everything matters and all of this drama comes as trump and the gop battle the backlash over that appointment of steve bannon. mitch mcconnell literally had nothing to say when asked to defend the pick today. watch this. >> i want to know about him having such a high level in the trump administration. >> thank you. >> the staff said that will do it. that's what it looks like when you are alone in a room and they have nothing to say to it. democrats are not letting up. here's harry reid moments ago. >> the very first if not the first official act, he appointed a man who is a champion of white
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supremacy as the number one strategist in the white house. if trump is serious about seeking unity. >> let's get to the team with halle jackson covering all the action in the trump transition. this has been quite a day. kicking things off with you. what is the current state of the trump transition. is there a purge happening in the transition with the loyalty testing out behind closed doors? >> based on our reporting, there is. you have been reporting a purge happening those close to chris christie. we have source talking about the purge of folks stemming from the sources that the history he has with donald trump, the president-elect's son in law,
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jared curbner that put his father in prison. what we have seen from donald trump throughout the campaign is the importance of loyalty tow him. that seems to be playing out in this selection of top administration and cabinet posts. you talk about where the transition is in flux. donald trump and vice president-elect mike pence. ted cruz spotted by our eagle eyed in the lobby i believe or walking into trump tower. he said hey, this is especially a meet and greet to offer the president-elect any help he may need. i leave you to draw our own conclusions on that. >> meetings and greetings right now. >> the meet and greet. listen. senator cruz would not say whether or not he would vote for donald trump. some republicans are getting on board more fully.
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that's from mitch mcconnell. not answering questions and walking away. how many times did we see that play out throughout this campaign when they were asked about the latest controversial thing that candidate trump said refusing to engage by the end of the campaign with reporters at all and now we are in day seven of the new administration. starting to see the same thing. >> and then they were asked about donald trump and what the first appointment was quickly. all this transition drama and trump's team is facing intense scrutiny through conflibts of interest involving the business and his kids. walk us through what that is. not the least of which his hotel will be barely a block away from his place on pennsylvaa avenue. >> when he takes to the capital steps and takes the oath of office, he will be able to see his d.c. hotel as he gets sworn
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in. donald trump all along the trail did say that his kids would end up running his business if he was elected. what he did not say is they would be part of the transition and they would be getting national security clearance. we know from government sources that the trump transition team inquired about getting his kids national security clearance and we know that jared curbner is that donald trump is set to designate as someone who will get the presidential daily briefing. why does that matter? donald trump has more than 500 companies in 27 countries. he has 65 properties around the world. this is what his kids are going to be running. there is a real concern among those in washington, ethics lawyer who is say even the appearance of a conflict of interest could pose problems down the line. if donald trump takes an example, if he puts sanctions on
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a certain company, say turkey for the sake of argument, there needs to be a clear cut reasoning that this is for the american public's interest and not for his own business interest. right now there is a blurry line between the two. a lot of this would be cleared up if donald trump released his taxes and showed exactly what his holdings are, but so far we are not getting that. there needs to be a clear line between his kids and himself. right now we are not seeing that. >> his new property, the trump d.c. hotel is oined by the federal government. he is now his own landlord at that property. >> absolutely. when he wants to renegotiate the lease, he can do it himself. also we will be overseeing the nlrb and affect union talks around the country that does
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include his own hotels. there are a lot of conflicts of interest that he said and supporters said they don't believe they are going to be a problem going forward. they trust his judgment and he will have to live up to that going forward. >> this is going to be something we will watch for a while. snl with donald trump negotiating in the mirror with donald trump about that property. we have a lot to digest. a pulitzer prize winning columnist, "usa today" and elana johnson is the editor at national review and soon to be politico scribe. nice to see you here. walk me through this. the abrupt resignations. the purge and that that is about as colorful as can ask for. is this normalar i a transition or is this a unique form of
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chaos? >> none of this is normal and it's holding up the transition process. there is only 63 days left and only about 4,000 political appointments to fill, but i have not mentioned it yet, but apparently there is a problem with his being too close to governor christie and also along with him and there is a general shuffle going on. >> the chief strategist is steve bannon right now. folks on capitol hill are being forced to answer questions about steve bannon the same way they were forced to answer questions about donald trump. explain the potential risk for the republicans and what the mind set is as they try to
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determine the best way forward. >> steve bannon is a ripe target for democrats because of his affiliation with breitbart news. he has anti-semitic misogynist material. mitch mcconnell just is not engaging and sending him and defending him. >> let's put up the headlines that is associated with the breitbart site. we will put those on the screen right now and i will let you read along. what we node to do is with the republican party. paul ryan was grown in a petri dish. they ran the campaign against the republican bench. he sort of needs the party to back him up and in effect he is causing divisions with his choice.
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>> the issue is this. donald trump soothed a lot of republicans a pointing reince priebus. >> close ties with paul ryan. >> and then appointed steve bannon who is the leader of the alt right. alternativrigh seeks to replace conservatism as the leading ideology of the republican party. steve bannon said he is overthrowing to overthrowing mitch mcconnell's leadership in the senate. donald trump is going to need to work with them and that would cause problems apart from the provocative nature of the things bannon said. rudy giuliani has been a provok tour in a way and enjoyed playing the back side guy along donald trump during the course of this. now the conversation is that he
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is if not the top choice, your thoughts on that. >> i like to think of trump as the bad cop and rudy playing the worst cop. he is foaming at the mouth. he used to have the image as a mayor and prosecutor now. the idea being trump has a lot of people because he has taken it on this attitude at one point that didn't have any terror attacks here before barack obama. and all of a sudden 9/11. >> a lot of critics have concerns about bolton. donald trump saying not necessarily true he opposed the war in iraq. he said controversial statements and asked about foreign policy. >> we need a president who can say the words and can do it in order to protect us from iran from becoming a nuclear power.
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they have to believe our president will do that to them. >> one of the things donald trump said again is we should have taken the oil of iraq. even if you could do that, most experts say you couldn't. that's not legal, is it? of course it's legal. it's a war. >> until the war is over, anything is legal. >> is any of this going to come back to haunt them? >> all of it is. that may be a problem. >> i want to talk about ben carson. i asked him about reports that he was offered a position of secretary of health and human services and he said he was never offered the position and wasn't interested because he was not prepared to oversee a federal bureaucracy. never mind the fact that he ran for president where he would have been overseeing a federal bureaucracy, but are they looking for excuses not to be a
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part of the trump administration. >> i haven't spoken to carson or his people and it is premature to speculate, but it's trouble for someone who ran for a presidency would say he doesn't want a cabinet position because he doesn't think he is prepared to run one particular agency. i think it raises questions if that is the case about the primary process that allowed someone who would a that to throw their hat in the ring for the presidency. >> he would be better serving him as a trusted adviser and friend on the side. you have to stay with us. next up, the democratic dilemma in the age of trump. new details in that leadership fight. breaking details. stay with us. bl
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the senate had 21 women in the ranks. the greatest number that body ever had. at least 12 more veterans will join the house of representatives that includes seven who served in iraq and afghanistan and we say at least because there are a couple of outstanding races that may send more to the capital. after a short break, we will dig into the house leadership fight on the democratic side. new details after the break. at the united states postal service, we deliver more online purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. and more hippopotamuses, too.
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♪ so whatever your holiday priority, our priority is you. ♪ ♪ see ya next year. this season, start a new tradition. experience the power of infiniti now, with leases starting at $319 a month. infiniti. empower the drive. this leadership team is unified and this house republican conference is
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unified. we are so eager to get to work with our new president-elect to fix america's pressing problems. >> the presidential election is over, but lawmakers have to vote for who will lead their party to the next congress. that process got under way in earnest today. you heard from house speaker paul ryan. house speakers are representing donald trump. the full house will vote in january. the republicans also nominated kevin carthy as the majority leader. and kathy scalise as chair of the conference. not going quite as smoothly for house democrats. they decide to postpone the leadership until after the thanksgiving holiday. they say they want to give themselves more time to digest like their turkey, the party's surprise defeat and do soul searching. the democrats are wonder figure
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it's time for nancy pe los tow give up her position as minority leader. one name floated to replace her is congressman tim ryan who represents parts of northeast ohio where they broke away from the democratic party to support donald trump. we will speak to him live in a moment. i want to get to my colleague on capitol hill for developments on the soul searching. even as we speak, they are preparing to get to the bottom of what happens next. >> hey, peter. who knew that the drama would be on the side of another piece of the fallout from what happened on tuesday. we were expecting house speaker paul ryan to have a challenge that evaporated in the state of trump's win and democrats are demanding fresh blood in the leadership ranks. the leaders here have been in place for quite sometime. the minority leader nancy pelosi
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is previously speaker of the house herself. she has been around for the duration and this is the new speaker paul ryan saying hello on his way by. pelosi is facing a challenge here fm tim ryan who you mentioned. he has not decided and you can ask him when he steps here in a second whether or not he was going to challenge leader pelosi. there have been members who urged him to. that comes out of this push for a better understanding of the voter who is abandoned the democratic party in droves to support donald trump. that region of ohio that used to be overwhelmingly democratic. the jobs have disappeared and that's the place that voted overwhelmingly for trump this time around. the leaders were expecting them to meet around 5:30 and the agenda is talking about the lame
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duck congress and they have to fund the government by december 9th. unofficially they made sure that the leadership issue is going to come up. this is in advance of the camera and it's pretty rare to get together in the same place at the same time. they will do that tomorrow if they are planning to. chuck schumer's suggestion across the way in harry reid's office. they have some of their own leadership elections. the only question mark is whether or not dick durbin ends up as the number two or somebody that is like a patty murray. there is a push to try to find that deeper bench on the democratic side between hillary clinton being at the top of democratic tickets and the leadership in the house and the senate having opportunity for new younger members to take on the leadership roles. you are seeing that express
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here. >> hopefully whether or not to showcase it. kasie hunt, here's what they said about the way forward for their party. >> we have an unexpected defeat and we have to decide how we go forward. we have to interpret the results and get the lessons learned. the democratic message in the years to come. >> i will support nancy and think she has done an excellent job. >> i think they would agree with me. we have to learn how to win elections and when she represents. >> joining us right now, we are getting them plugged in and you can't even hear them is ohio congressman. can you hear me? we are glad you necessary place. are you actively planning the
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challenge of leader pelosi? >> we are having a lot of conversations right now and figured out today that the vote would be delayed. there a lot of people talking about a lot of different things at this point. this is an important decision. sometimes you put off the discussions thaw need to have. >> talk to me about the tough family discussions. what specifically is the discussion? what is the issue for democrats right now as they debate whether to pursue new leadership. >> no one is blaming nancy pelosi for what happened in the election. there were a lot of reasons things happened the way they did. the question is moving forward. who is the best person and the best message to go into blue collar areas and blue collar people on how we can help them get good paying jobs back. this is not about getting
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retrained and it's about good paying jobs and working class people want to do. how do we talk to them about those issues and who can be the person who goes into those districts, the red states and persuade people who may have voted for trump to come back home to the democratic party. we are the party that can best help them. >> break down the numbers you represent. youngstown, ohio. the beloved northeast of the great state. here are the numbers that struck me. in trumbull county, in the area you represent, barack obama won by 22,000 votes. last week donald trump won by 6,000 votes. when is the message. what should the mantra be for the democrats to help reembrace those voters who have been
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pushed away. >> we are going to help grow your economy in trumbull county. we had steel mills close and an auto plant that when it started in the late 60s grou to about 16,000 workers and it's down to four. we lost the shirt shift of making the chevy cruz. we have to resuscitate manufacturing in the united states and we have to put people back to work building roads and bridges. that makes american deal and concrete and we have to make sure we reinvest back in the communities. >> can that be accomplished with nancy pelosi? does it need a generational change? what needs to change or why isn't the present system sufficient? >> that's the conversation we are having right now. >> is it generational? >> nancy pelosi has more energy
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than half of our caucus put together. she is amazing. she has a very high energy level and a great fund-raiser. a great tacktician in so many different ways. this is not her fault and not about how we move forward here. that's the conversation we are having. what do we have to do and what's the message and what are the issues and the best person to bring that to the american people. >> just to be clear, was it a mistake or not to keep her as the head of your leadership in 2010 after what was really a giant loss for the democrats? >> i'm already letting go of tuesday. i let go of 2010 a long time ago. i don't remember back then. >> this is about the future and not the past. lessons learned.
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what do we have to learn and how do we move forward from here? >> on your website, you advocate for trade policies for imposing sanctions on china. if you covered your name like donald trump's website, how do you plan to work with trump? >> many of whom voted for donald trump to sit down and listen to what his proposals are and if he is talking about chinese currency and talking about creating a new model for trade, i'm not for building walls, but a new model where blue collar people can benefit and our environment is protected and those kinds of things, i will work with him on these issues. he talks about draping the swamp. let's have finance reform right now and publicly finance campaigns and get the money out. he was talking about rebuilding the country. let's do it. i'm happy to sit down and work on those issues. if you are privatizing medicare and repeal health care and want
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to take ohioans off of the medicate program, i will fight you every step of the way. >> barbara boxer filed legislation that a polish the electoral college. hillary clinton leads donald trump in the popular vote by more than a million votes. she lost the electoral college by a pretty large margin. do you support that effort? >> i would have to look at it. >> should we get rid of the electoral college in simple terchls? >> it's a tough question. question. so many things need to be balanced. there is a reason we have it and i don't think you can monday morning quarterbacks. they are designed to get the votes you need for the electoral college. looking back, that's something that we have to look into. i'm not sure that is going to be a major issue. we have a lot of issues that are front and center in the country. number one being jobs and taking
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care of our blue collar workers. if we don't do that, none of this other stuff matters. >> tim ryan and a lot of conversations going on not just for the thanksgiving holiday, but the future of the party. still ahead right here, taking obama out of obamacare. the reality ahead for the plans to dismantle the health care law. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. ltry align probiotic.n your digestive system? for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand.
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>> we will talk about how trump will promise. >> stocks moving higher today.
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he or she wants it to go to donald trump's decision. >> does it take republicans. they will unify the nation.
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reince priebus will be chief of staff and work closely with him on the platform committee. i'm supportive of donald trump. and in terms of that. >> we will have discussions going on as president-elect trump announces his cabinet. we will know more and more about how it will turn out and the direction they will take. donald trump won the election
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just one week ago today. there is a lot of work to be done when he takes the oath of office. >> he said neither rudy giuliani or john bolt on would get his vote for secretary of state. both of these men in the iraq war rudy giuliani said he was open to the idea of bombing iran even as conversations were beginning a potential deal with nuclear weapons. would earth of them get your vote in. >> par absolutely. you want to have ia hearing and hear what they have to say, but specifically harry reid changed the rules of the senate. right now cabinet members need and not 60 votes anymore. the number has been lowered and i think it will be easier for donald trump to have his cabinet on the ground ready to go and confirmed when he takes office. >> republicans obviously have a slim republican majority in the
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senate. just 52 republicans. there is not a lot of roo for disagreement. even defections when it am cans to some of these appointments. do you anticipate difficulties to get his people through congress right now? >> i don't and remember in cases of a tie, you have mike pence as president of the senate available to break ties. >> let's break it down about the teal right now. and the suggestions that republicans are coming up with about resolutions going forward. this is a clip where donald trump spoke about obamacare. let's listen. you going to make sure that people with preconditions are coming in? >> yes. it happens to be one of the strongest assets. also with the children living with their parents. very much try to keep that in. it's going to cost, but we will try to keep it. >> there will be a period if you repeal it and before you replace
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it when millions of people could lose. >> we will do it simultaneously. it will be fine. >> how is that simultaneous replacement going to work? donald trump said do you want to keep in the popular elements of obamacare that young people can keep their coverage until 26 underneath their parents and folks with preexisting conditions would not be impacted. what would this look like? how do do you this? >> donald trump said there is a cost to this. president obama said it's free. it's not free. there is a cost to this. some of these things are things we could have done before the obama law. we were discussing it years ago. we are working with a transition team to work on a replacement plan and we had a dry run on repealing obamacare last year with the reconciliation bill and passed the house and the senate. put it on president obama's desk and he vetoed it.
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>> walk us through what that would look like? how would you cast what that would be? >> mike pence has spoken about the approximate president of a transition. people had their lives disrupted enough. we want the insurance that works for them and their families. not what washington said they have to buy. we want it to be cheaper for people to buy that insurance because of competition, not because of the government mandates that drove up the cost of care. look at what we passed last year in the house and the senate. a sec silliation to repeal in terms of the mandates. the mandates were so opposed by the american people, the individual mandates and employer
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mandates and we have all those things in the bill that president obama vetoed and we didn't have the 67 votes to override it. >> i understand the frustration with the handling of obamacare, but both chambers and commerce. how would you pay for this plan, specifically as had relates to people with preexisting conditions. that's what obamacare was designed to do so nobody could be kept off of the coverage they needed. >> a doctor who worked with preexisting conditions and my wife is a breast cancer survivor. i know about preexisting conditions and the need to help those people. in wyoming, we had a high risk pool where people with preexisting conditions could buy insurance and a government subsidy to help them. the premium it is were higher because of the preexisting conditions and insurance was available and subsidized.
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>> how do you pay for that? is it subsidized and that means the rates are up for everybody. >> for people in the pool, they are paying more. what we have now is a health care law that doesn't have any of that. so many people are not signing up because they realize for them it's a bad deal. that's why young healthy people are choosing to pay the fines rather than actually get insurance even with the subsidies. the deductibles are so high. they don't want to be part of it. it's not a good deal personally. we are looking to give individuals more choices. doctors more authority and get washington out of this and get states so much more actively involved so people have the freedom and the flexibility and the choice that they want. obamacare has been across the board rejected by the american people in election after election. we have the house and the senate and the white house and a lot of it is because the health care
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flaw has been shoved down the throats of the american people and is unpopular. >> senator, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> coming up, the obama presidency responsible for the country's trumpian power. hear what obama has to say about that question, next. ♪ (laughs..) here it is ♪ ♪ hey dad! ♪ wishes do come true. the lincoln wish list sales event is on.
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>> i was surprised by the election results and i said so. i still don't feel responsible for what the president-elect says or does. but i do feel a responsibility as the president of the united states to facilitate a good transition. >> the bilateral news conference. chris jansing asked president obama if he is responsible for donald trump's election. the final state of the yup yon address as candidate trump was rising in the polls. >> do you feel responsible for the message that donald trump is putting out there? >> he had an adherence a lot of times in the course of our history. he will talk to me if he wins and we will have a conversation about how i feel.
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time for "the lid." right now our panel is back. clarence, susan, eliana. just before the break, we played what was amazing sound of president obama with matt lauer that i honestly haven't seen until this conversation right here, where he basically says, i don't take any responsibility for donald trump's rise in the polls. he says, talk to me if donald trump wins this thing. donald trump won this thing. >> as he said, makes a great "saturday night live" skit, doesn't it? >> it has. >> it's interesting. he and especially david axelrod has been very vocal about how many more votes barack obama got in those working class white areas than hillary clinton did. i think that's kind of a working theme going on in the democratic conversation right now. >> yeah, so what does the democratic party do right now, susan? we talked earlier to congressman tim ryan, conversations in the family, as they say, about a
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potential generational shift and what they need to do differently. how does the democratic party sort of embrace this moment to get back on its feet. >> as you said, that was not a no from congressman ryan about whether he would challenge nancy pelosi. that's rather significant. and there's going to be a battle for who's going to chair the democratic national committee. and one thing they're going to do, they're not going to take that dismissive attitude that we heard from president obama toward some of the concerns of people who feel left behind in -- over the last eight years, and earlier than that, even. >> the obama coalition, simple terms, not showing up for hillary clinton, but not just the obama coalition in those rust belt states, the chicagos, the michigans, the northeastern areas of ohio, pennsylvania, those are places that barack obama had a relationship to a lot of these white working class voters, that hillary clinton couldn't replicate. >> well, i do think it's important to note that those working class white voters began fleeing from obama in 2012. he lost a lot of them in 2012,
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and they continued to flee the party in 2016. and i do think that the attitude that you saw barack obama embody in that clip you played a to the beginning of the last segment, that it wasn't just him, that it was conservatives and liberals alike. but that's the reason that trump was elected. that sort of dismissive attitude, people, i think, working class voters saw sit reflected not only towards trump, but towards their concerns on whole scale. >> clarence, earlier today, president obama in greece cautioned against the crude nationalism, as he described it, about whether the world was moving away from his world view. it seemed to be a much more sort of sharp barb directed at steve bannon and donald trump, one of his first appointments, that he had offered when he was here in the white house before departing, wasn't it? >> right. there is a difference between the white nationals in europe and over here, just as there are differences in the two continents. but at the same time, though, it goes back to a working class people feeling left behind,
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feeling like they're left back here while immigrants and minorities and et cetera are getting the benefits. and that pension must be addressed. you can't just ignore it. democracy is a very fragile thing, as we have seen when the impossible happened and donald trump was elected president. >> susan, the next 24 hours, what are you going to be watching specifically? >> well, i think you can't take your eyes off the trump transition. because every day is full of surprises that you wouldn't have expected. >> senator barrasso said, this is normal. this is what transitions look like. is this what they look like? >> this is not what they look like. they're the often chaotic and there are lots of people jockeying for jobs. that isn't a surprise. but they came into this much less well organized, because it was a surprise even to them that they're in a position to have a transition to an administration. >> so it's gotten started late, as i ring my same bell arang earli earlier. time is wasting. >> nice speaking to you. and we're told some breaking news that they signed that
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memorandum of understanding, which launches in ernest that transition between the white house and trump/pence transition team. we'll be right back. i work 'round the clock.
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he wears his army hat, he gets awalks aroundliments. with his army shirt looking all nice. and then people just say, "thank you for serving our country" and i'm like, that's my dad. male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i'm very proud of him. male vo: comcast. so in case you missed it, you have not missed donald trump's first news conference, as president-elect. he's done a one-on-one interview, he spoke briefly after his white house meeting, but so far, there's no sign of when he'll hold that traditional post-election news conference. so far, we've been waiting seven
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days, but that's not a new record. most new presidents get right to talking to reporters. in 1992, in fairness, bill clinton waited nine days before taking questions. still, donald trump has until thursday before he would cross into unchartered territory and we are keeping our calendar open. that's all for tonight. "with all due respect" begins right now. i'm mark halperin. >> and i'm john heilemann. and with all due respect to ben carson, you had one job. now, zero. r . on the show tonight, conflict about trump's conflicts of interest and the state of trump's pick for secretary of state. but first, more transitions for trump's transition team. former congressman mike rogers abruptly resigned from that team today, removing an establishment national security voice from key


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